Monday, February 11, 2008

Cheap Dedicated Server Web Hosting - Free!

Usually starter or beginner webmasters start with a cheap shared hosting package. Once a web site takes off in a big way and there are a lot of visitors, it may be time to upgrade your shared hosting package to dedicated web hosting. In the cheap shared server web hosting plans, webmasters share one server with a lot of other webmasters, which may be shared by hundreds.
The performance of all websites take a performance hit if some other webmaster is using the resources of the web server excessively. These shared plans are usually available for $3-10 per month. Some of the other webmasters may be running proxy sites which are resource hungry, and may lead to a very slow response from your site, or could even force your website to become inaccessible. Even a DoS attack against any other site in the shared host can affect your website adversely. So what is the solution?

The answer lies with web hosting companies offering Cheap Dedicated Server web hosting plans that are quite cheap in terms of monthly payments. These plans usually start from a minimum of $30 per month and go upwards depending upon server configuration and bandwidth usage. Cheap Dedicated Server web hosting plans come in two flavors. The first type is the Virtual Private Server where you are still on a shared host, but it runs a few virtual private servers. Virtual private servers are the least expensive type of hosting amongst cheap dedicated server web hosting plans. Users of these servers have a set amount of resources to use of the server, and there are far less people sharing the server. Each virtual server appears to be a complete machine in it self and is under complete control buy it's user.

The second variety of cheap dedicated server web hosting plans provides for a dedicated server physically. Usually these are small value servers located at data centers or server farms and are available for exclusive use for one user. The webmaster who pays for a dedicated web server, may at his or her discretion, host one or more website and completely controls his dedicated server. No limits as opposed to using shared hosting which heavily limits what you can do. The hosting company only provides the physical hosting, operating system installation, backup and OS updates of your server, and nothing else. All other things are controlled by the webmaster.

When you find that traffic to your shared hosting website has grown so much that the shared host is not able to handle the load without affecting others on the server, then its time to switch over to cheap dedicated server web hosting plans. As a dedicated server does not share its resources with any other webmaster, the cost of such a plan is much higher, but the facilities provided by cheap dedicated server web hosting is far greater as you have a lot of control over the server's operations and a lot more resources available. Leaving aside the cost factor, cheap dedicated server web hosting is the best option for an webmaster who's learnt the ropes, starting to get more traffic, and simply needs to upgrade.

About the Author
Todd Coleson
Click Here to get Cheap Dedicated Server Web Hosting for FREE!

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